The Town of Wilmington’s priority is the safety and well-being of its residents. We are committed to making sure residents and visitors are informed about emergency situations, how to deal with them and resources available.

Preparing for a disaster is an important part of keeping everyone safe; whether you are a local business, school, senior citizen or have access or functional needs.

Stay Informed

VT-ALERT is used by the state and local responders to notify the public of emergency situations.  Those include, but are not limited to, evacuation information; chemical spills; shelter-in-place alerts; severe weather advisories; boil water advisories, and roadway interruptions.  Residents can tailor the alerts to specific locations, types of alerts and on which devices they will be notified. Sign up by clicking the VT-Alert Icon.


Emergency Management Coordinator- 

Scott Moore 802-464-8022

Town Manager Administrative Assistant-

Jessica DeFrancesco 802-464-8591 ext 123

Local Emergency Shelter- 

Old School Enrichment Center, 1 School St; contact one of the above contacts to check if shelter is open

Deerfield Valley Food Pantry


Have a plan! Create an emergency plan for your family or business.  Have a plan to contact each other, how to deal with your pets, or how to protect important documents from flood/fire.  Ask your employer and any childcare providers for a copy of their emergency plan.  More tips available at vem.vermont.gov


Build a kit!  To best prepare for an emergency, keep a disaster kit on hand with three days’ supply of fresh water and nonperishable food.  Don’t forget to have a battery-operated radio and fresh batteries in the kit and update it regularly.


Post necessary information in a common area like your location’s 911 address, your location’s phone number (for visitors), and phone numbers of trusted neighbors, parents, or other relatives.  Teach young family members how to text.  Text messages can often bypass network disruptions!


Be prepared! According to VEM, properly working smoke detectors double your family’s chance of surviving a fire.  Once installed properly, be sure to check them once a month.  A Home Fire Safety Map with locations of smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, and exits can be posted in a prominent location in your home.  Mark a safe location where the family knows to gather after an evacuation from a fire.  Make sure your windows are not painted shut, and rooms can be quickly and safely exited.


Pandemic Planning: store two weeks of water and nonperishable food in case of a pandemic.  Have health supplies on hand and talk to family members about what they would need to be cared for at home for an extended period.


Get involved!  Volunteer with local groups to both prepare for and assist with emergency response. www.vermont.gov/volunteer



State of Vermont Agency of Transportation:

FLOODING: If you are stranded or have an emergency, call 911. If you need flooding-related assistance that is not an emergency, call 211.

For road closures, go to https://newengland511.org

VT Department of Health, “Stay Safe in a Flood” – before, during and after *translation information available: https://www.healthvermont.gov/emergency/prepare/stay-safe-flood

Translated Information

Before & After the Flood in: العربية (Arabic) | မြန်မာစာ (Burmese) Chinese | English | Français (French) | नेपाली (Nepali) | Russian | Serbo-Croatian | Soomaali (Somali) | Español (Spanish) | Kiswahili (Swahili) | Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)
Staying Safe During a Flood and Very Heavy Rainfall (video) in:  العربية (Arabic) | မြန်မာစာ (Burmese) Dari | English | Français (French) | Kirundi | Maay Maay | Mandarin | नेपाली (Nepali) | Pashto | Soomaali (Somali) | Español (Spanish) | Kiswahili (Swahili) | Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese) | Tigrinia | Ukranian

State of Vermont Office of Governor, bottom of page for most current:


211 Disaster Recovery:


Disaster Shelters, Red Cross:


Vermont State and Local Level Referrals, FEMA: https://www.fema.gov/assistance/individual/disaster-survivors/state-local-referral-lists/vermont

Vermont Flooding Jul 9, 2023 and continuing, FEMA:  https://www.fema.gov/disaster/3595