Phone: 802-464-3862
Email: [email protected]
Route 9 / Route 100 Water and Sewer Expansion Project
East Main 1 Sidewalk and Sewer Project – Town of Wilmington
FY 2025 SEWER RATES (7/1/2024 – 6/30/2025)
FY 2024 SEWER RATES (7/1/2023 TO 6/30/2024)
FY 2023 Sewer Rates (7/1/2022 to 6/30/2023) FY 2023 ECU RATES
Route 9 East / Route 100 South Water and Wastewater Extension Feasibility Study
Wilmington Weather!
Please don’t flush anything down the toilet other than human waste and toilet paper! On January 18th 2022 we experienced a sewer main blockage that resulted in an overflow of approximately 20,000 gallons of untreated sewer into Beaver Brook. The blockage was caused by grease and so-called “flushable” wipes. These wipes do not break down like toilet paper and cause blockages and clogged pumps. Also, commercial grease traps need to be cleaned often and the grease removed. If you have any questions, please contact Chief Operator John Lazelle at 464-3862. Thank you for your help.
What NOT to flush down the toilet!
Here are four publications created by the Green Mountain Water Environment Association.
Click here to view more information on each brochure.
New March 2020! Helpful and Useful Links
Daily Precipitation Data
12/5/17 The Wilmington Wastewater Treatment Plant has been accepted as a NOAA Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador.
Wilmington Weather!
This Facility was built in 1964 as a Primary Treatment Plant. We had a major upgrade in 1987 making the plant a Secondary Treatment Facility. In 1989 we expanded our collection system which now includes 7 Pumping Stations, 220 manholes, 275 connections and approx. 7 miles of sewer lines. We are now just finishing up our current refurbishment project which involved upgrades to our primary treatment process, a new office/lab and primary treatment building, improvements to the control building and major electrical component upgrades including a new 80 KW generator.
For more information please click on one of the sidebars on the right hand side of this page. You can also check us out on Facebook!
Thanks for visiting and please feel free to give us a call at 802-464-3862, fax us at 802-464-8348
See Also:
–Wastewater Documents (Ordinance and Applications)
–Treatment Process
–Wilmington Weather
For more information about our Facility, to order Compost or just to say “Hi”, please complete the form below!
Current Sewer District