How do I get on the Selectboard agenda?
Call the Town Manager (802) 464-8591 to get on the agenda. Short comments from the floor are allowed toward the beginning of meetings, but you must be on the agenda in order to bring an issue to the Board for discussion. We need to know the issue so that any necessary research on the subject can be done before the meeting. NOTE: Agenda items must be submitted on the Thursday before Selectboard meetings to be considered for the agenda. Regular meetings are 1st & 3rd Tuesday of every month.
Where and when do I apply for a dog license?
Dog licenses are issued by the Town Clerk’s office. (802) 464-5836. Dogs must be licensed on or before April 1st of each year. We must have a current rabies certificate to register. Cats do not require a license.
Can I register my vehicle at the town office?
The Town Clerk offers this service for renewals only. For more information call the Town Clerk’s office at (802) 464-5836.
Where do I find civil marriage license information?
Information and application forms are on this site under Government/Town Clerk Here or you may go to the Town Clerk’s office.
Does the town pick up trash and recycling?
The town does not pick up either trash or recyclables.
Recycling is at the transfer station on Miller Road during open hours.
Trash may be taken to the Transfer Station or there are several private contractors who provide pick-up service. Transfer Station Hours and Fees.
When are property taxes due?
Wilmington property taxes are payable in two installments. The dates are set each year at Town Meeting. Tax information can be found Here
Who do I call about a problem with my road?
Call the Highway Department at (802) 464-5515. The Road Supervisor will respond to your concerns. If you are not satisfied after a reasonable length of time, you may call the Town Manager at (802) 464-8591. Please do not bring road problems or questions to a Selectboard meeting until you have gone through these channels.