Wilmington Fire Department
40 Beaver Street
P.O. Box 217
Wilmington, Vermont 05363
Fire Chief Scott Moore
E-Mail: smoore@wilmingtonvt.us
Non-emergencies: (802) 464-8022
Fax: (802) 464-8047
The Wilmington Firefighters Association maintains a website at: http://wilmingtonvtfire.com/
We still have a number of people that have not posted their locatable address numbers on their homes or at the end of their driveways.
All buildings have been assigned a 9-1-1 address. This address consists of a building number and a road name. When an emergency is called in, the dispatcher will automatically have this information in front of them on their computer screen. You don’t even have to tell them. As they call out the correct emergency response organization (fire, police, and ambulance) they will give that address to the responding personnel. That is what the emergency service members will be looking for. If you have not yet posted your house number, it may be more difficult to find the correct address quickly. Seconds Count!
Remember, a ‘Lot Number’ is something developers use to identify land parcels within their developments during construction. Please ensure the number you have posted is your 9-1-1 number and NOT your ‘Lot Number’. This will also save time and confusion when emergency services are trying to locate you during an emergency.
If you do not know your locatable address please contact the fire station at 464-8022 and we will be happy to help you.E-911 has proven itself as a life-saving system and with everyone’s help it can be a positive part of the emergency response system in Wilmington.