Green-Up Day is only once a year, but we encourage you to continue your efforts year round to reduce roadside litter and keep our town looking Green and Beautiful!
Thank you!
GREEN UP 2024 Annual Report
Vermont’s Green Up Day was on Saturday, May 4th. Once again, folks in Wilmington came through with a big turnout! More than 65 volunteers came out to pick up roadside litter. In total, they filled 200 Green Up bags as they covered nearly all of our town roads. In addition to our roads, a few public lots, parks, and trails received Green Up treatment this year, which is always appreciated!
As always, Wilmington’s success depended on teamwork. We received assistance from town office employees and the town and state highway departments who collected all the full bags.
Generous donations also helped to make Green Up Day successful. 1a Coffee Roasters gave away free coffee, Valley Craft Ales provided a free slice of pizza, and Shaw’s contributed water and snacks. The town office, the Twin Valley Schools, and the Deerfield Valley News all provided publicity. Many local businesses also helped with publicity by posting on social media, and allowing us to hang our Green Up Day posters on their walls, bulletin boards, and windows.
Thank you to everyone for your time, effort, and contributions. We look forward to seeing you all next year!
-Kathy Larsen & Anthony Martino
Link to State Green-Up Website:
Questions? Contact Kathy Larsen at
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