2023 Wilmington Selectboard
Tom Fitzgerald, Chair
John Gannon, Vice Chair
Vincent Rice, Clerk
Sarah Fisher
Tony Tribuno
Please send Selectboard mail to:
Wilmington Selectboard
PO Box 217
Wilmington, VT 05363
Phone: Administration Office (802) 464-8591
FAX: (802) 464-8477
The regular meetings of the Wilmington Selectboard/Sewer Commission will be held at the Town Hall the first and third Tuesday of each month at 6 pm. Any special meetings will be legally posted at least 24 hours in advance.
Link to Selectboard Page with Minutes
Open Meeting Law Complaint Process
Open Meeting Law complaints directed to Wilmington must be filed with the Selectboard by e-mail to jdefrancesco@wilmingtonvt.us or to PO Box 217, Wilmington, VT 05363.
The written notice of complaint must allege a specific violation of the Open Meeting Law, identify the public body that committed the alleged violation, and request a specific cure of such violation. Upon receipt of the written notice of alleged violation, the public body will respond publicly to the alleged violation within 10 calendar days by:
- acknowledging the violation of this subchapter and stating an intent to cure the violation within 14 calendar days; or
- stating that the public body has determined that no violation has occurred and that no cure is necessary.
Failure of a public body to respond to a written notice of alleged violation within 10 calendar days will be treated as a denial of the violation for purposes of enforcement of the Open Meeting Law.