Zoning and Planning Department
Zoning Administrator: Jessica Roberts
Phone: (802) 464-8591 ext 124
E-mail: jroberts@wilmingtonvt.us
News and Updates: Follow this department at: instagram.com/zoning05363
Please email to schedule an appointment as the ZA is often on site visits, even during office hours.
Office Hours:
MON-TUES: 9 AM to 4:00 PM
THUR-FRI: 9 AM to 4:00 PM
Zoning Ordinance (Bylaws) and Fee Information
Wilmington Zoning Ordinance
Permit Fees
Zoning Applications
Zoning Permit Application
DRB Hearing & Permit Application
Sign Permit Application
Zoning Appeal Application
Amend or Extend Permit Application
Violation Report Form
STR Safety Form
**Please send in a check or money order with your mailed application. The zoning administrator will make arrangements with you for the permit “P” poster. Alternatively, you can pay in person by making an appt with the zoning administrator and pick up your permit “P” poster at the same time
Helpful Sheets
Do You Need A Permit?- Information Brochure
Helpful Links for Applicants
DRB – What to Expect
Site Plan and Standards– “How-to Draw a Site Plan”
Residential and Resort-Residential Tri-fold
Village District Tri-fold
Commercial District Tri-fold
Zoning Districts Map
Zoning Overlays Map
More Information
Our Bylaws state “no land development shall commence until a zoning Permit has been issued by the Zoning Administrator”. Changes of Use and/or Change of a Structure almost always require a permit, though some exceptions apply. Not sure? Need some help navigating the Bylaws? Contact the Zoning Administrator by phone, email, or make an appointment to meet in person and discuss your project. See also, Zoning FAQs
Please do not send photos of applications. We accept them as a PDF, although printing them and mailing them in is the preferred method.
All Short-Term Rentals (STRs) in Wilmington require a Zoning Permit before use. The fee is 10c a sq ft, plus an $18 filing fee. Do not pay the base fee unless adding new construction. Any bedrooms added after 2007 require a Wastewater Permit with a change in occupancy (typically two occupants per bedroom). A site plan is required to show parking spaces for all STR guests, with .75 spaces for every bedroom. The parking spaces must be 10×18’. Please include two contact phone numbers on each Zoning Permit application for STRs.
Short-term renting to more than 8 guests? Contact the regional Fire Marshal for two more necessary permits in addition to your local Wilmington Zoning Permit, see letter. 2024 STR Letter