Transfer Station

Hours of Operation
Fridays and Sundays: 8 am to 3:30 pm
Tuesday: 12 to 3:30 pm

Transfer Station Operator/Attendant:
Ken Green
Phone: (802) 464-5666 

The Town of Wilmington operates a Transfer Station on Miller Road for the convenience of Wilmington residents and landowners. The solid waste is then trucked to Bennington.

Only Wilmington residents and property owners may use the Transfer Station. Dover and Whitingham have their own Transfer Station. If you live in another town, call your town clerk’s office for information. It is illegal to dump any kind of trash in public open areas, parks or private lots. THIS INCLUDES NON-RECYCLABLE TRASH AT OR IN THE RECYCLING CONTAINERS! The Transfer Station is gated except for the open hours. Do NOT leave trash near the gate!

USER PERMITS: Town residents or property owners may purchase a permit sticker for $20 per household; $15 for seniors, for the calendar year at the Town manager’s office M – F from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm or at the Transfer Station during operating hours. Permits are required even if only using the recycling facility.

If you only plan to make one or two trips in the year, you may pay the fee for the trash plus a surcharge of $5 per trip instead of purchasing a sticker.

FEES: The Wilmington Transfer Station operates under a “pay as you throw” system. Fees are charged for material brought to the transfer station. The fee is $4 per 30 gallon bag and different fees for items such as appliances, tires, etc. See the full Fee Schedule below.

During Transfer Station Hours, gates to the containers must remain closed unless opened by the Transfer Station Operator. If you have a dump truck or dump trailer, dumping is no longer allowed. You must empty your trailers and trucks by hand. No persons may stand within two feet of the open gate. We apologize for any inconvenience but state and federal safety regulations require that we conform to these standards.

See Also:

2024 Fee Schedule

Disposal Handout

Hazardous Waste