Week of October 7, 2024
Cemetery Commission
Thursday, October 10 at 4:30 pm
Town Hall Meeting Room
- Visitors, Public Comments
- Approve minutes from September 12th meeting
- Update on Veteran Memorial Park, fundraising, appeal letter, grants
- Update on maintenance items; trees, monument repairs
- Old Business
- New Business
- Executive session
- Update from Sextons
Fall cemeteries clean-up scheduled for Sunday, Oct. 20th at 1 p.m.
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Trails Committee-Cancelled
Thursday, October 10
Week of October 14, 2024
Planning Commission-CANCELLED
Recreation Commission-Moved to 10/7/24
Energy Committee
Tuesday, October 15 at 3 pm
Town Hall Meeting Room
- Any public comments and/or changes to the agenda
- Review and approve the minutes of September 17, 2024 (5 minutes)
- Status of Solar Project for Public Safety Building (5 minutes, Chief Moore)
- Climate Catalyst Innovation Fund Grant, Window Dressing (10 minutes, Gary Carver)
- UVM Intern Project (15 minutes, Uschi Larson by Zoom)
- Bottom Up Vermont (15 minutes, Representative from Efficiency Vermont by Zoom)
- Green Mountain Power, Incentives (15 minutes, Representative from the Energy Innovation Team)
- MERP Grant Update (5 minutes, Jessica Roberts)
- New Business
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Tuesday, October 15 at 6 pm
Town Hall Meeting Room
- Visitors, Public Comments, Possible Changes to the Agenda
- Approve Minutes of October 1, 2024 (2 minutes)
- Action Items (10 minutes)
- The Selectboard to possibly approve the winter sand bid from Mitchell Materials in the amount of $27.75/cy.
- The Selectboard to possibly approve the winter salt from Apalachee in the amount of $91.25/ton.
- The Selectboard to possibly approve extending the sidewalk snow removal contract with Saladino Property Maintenance for two seasons.
- The Selectboard to adopt a resolution to the Town of Wilmington Cafeteria Plan including a Health Flexible Spending Account.
- Fiscal Year 2024 Year-End Review (15 minutes)
- Finance Officer to give a final overview of FY24.
- Cannabis Control Commission (5 minutes)
- The Cannabis Commission to possibly approve a renewal for S-000010031, Retailers for Ratu’s Cannabis Supply, LLC
- Liquor Commission (5 minutes)
- The Selectboard to possibly approve a Second-Class License for Stewarts Shops.
- Green Mountain Beach (10 minutes)
- The Selectboard to receive an update on the Lake Raponda Shoreline Erosion Control Project
- Other Business/Correspondence
- Selectboard Members Comments
- Town Manager’s Updates (5 minutes)
- Executive Session
- The Selectboard to possibly enter executive session for the purpose of discussing a possible real estate sale and real estate purchase.
- Possible action on executive session discussion.
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Board of Civil Authority
Wednesday, October 16 at 5:30 pm
Town Hall Meeting Room
- Call to Order
- Approval of the Minutes of October 9, 2024.
- Chair to follow the “Meeting Sequence” from the Rules of Procedure to include oaths for appellants and assessor, and the declaring conflicts of interest.
- Hearing Schedule starting at 5:40pm:
- Marshall / 00304033.000 / 1 Streim Dr
- Gold / 02320008.000 / 162 West Lake Rd
- Shriberg / 00201013.000 / 124 Fannie Hill Rd
- Lacombe Trust / 00CHA143.000 / 43 Three Streams Way
- Caplan / 00302034.200 / Land Only – Brown Rd
- Board to assign inspection teams to be completed within 30 days. An appeal will be considered withdrawn if, after notice, the appellant refuses to allow an inspection of the property including the interior and exterior of any structure on the property. 32 V.S.A. §4404(c).
- The hearing will recess until Wednesday, October 30, at 5:30pm for reports and deliberation.
- Board to hear Inspection Reports.
- Board to enter deliberations.
Please register to join the meeting via Zoom by using this link, the meeting invitation will be sent upon your completed registration: