
Agendas for the Week of 2/17/25

Monday, February 17


Energy Committee- Cancelled
Tuesday, February 18


Tuesday, February 18 at 6 pm
Town Hall Meeting Room

  1. Visitors, Public Comments, Possible Changes to the Agenda
  2. Approve Minutes of February 4, 2025 (2 minutes)
  3. Action Items (2 minutes)
    • The Selectboard to possibly approve the Town Road and Bridge Standards
    • The Selectboard to possibly approve Certificate of Compliance for Town Road and Bridge Standards.
  4. 1% Local Option Tax Request (5 minutes)
    • The Selectboard to possibly approve a 1% request from the Chamber for the 2025 Fireworks in the amount of $15,000.
  5. Town Policies (20 minutes)
    • The Selectboard to possibly approve the updated Delinquent Tax Policy
    • The Selectboard to possibly approve the Delinquent Utilities Policy and rescind the 2007 Delinquent Sewer Policy.
  6. Route 9 Construction Updates (20 minutes)
    • Gretchen Havreluk to give an update on the East Main St/Route 9 construction projects.
  7. Liquor Commission (5 minutes)

The Liquor Commission to possibly approve;

    • A First- and Third-Class and Outside Consumption Renewal for Wilmington Village Pub;
    • A First- and Third-Class and Outside Consumption renewal for L&W Hospitality dba Nutmeg Inn;
    • A Second-Class Renewal for Bearclaw Holdings LLC dba River Valley Market;
    • An Open Container Ordinance Exemption and Request to Cater for the Beer & Chili Stroll on March 28, 2025 from 4-7 pm at Memorial Hall, Pickwells Barn, The Village Roost, Bartleby’s Books, VT House, Jim McGrath’s Art Gallery and Ratu’s, catered by WI Foster LLC;
    • A First- and Third-Class and Outside Consumption Renewal for WI Foster LLC
  1. Other Business/Correspondence
    • Assign town meeting articles
  2. Selectboard Members Comments
  3. Town Manager’s Updates (5 minutes)

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