
The elected and appointed town boards, commissions, and committees each have their own pages with information regarding projects, agendas, and minutes, etc.


The minutes are attached as PDF documents.  You will need acrobat reader to open the files.  If you do not have it, you may download it FREE by clicking HERE

Disclaimer:  Minutes are posted on the website as unapproved because the Committee or Board has not acted on them at the time they are posted.  If corrections, additions, or deletions are later made, they will show up in the next minutes.

Copies of the final approved and accepted minutes are available in the town office ((802) 464-8591) or you may request copies from: [email protected] . (Please include an e-mail address or a FAX number that they can be sent to.)

See Committees & Minutes:
Beautification Committee
Bi-Town Economic Development Committee
Board of Abatement
Board of Civil Authority
Cemetery Commission
Development Review BoardEnergy Committee
Green-Up Day Committee
Library Trustees Pettee Memorial Library
Old Home Week Committee
Planning CommissionRecreation Commission
Town Hall Re-Location Committee
Trail Committee
Vermont 250th Anniversary


Open Meeting Law Complaint Process

Open Meeting Law complaints directed to Wilmington must be filed with the Selectboard by e-mail to [email protected] or to PO Box 217, Wilmington, VT 05363. 

The written notice of complaint must allege a specific violation of the Open Meeting Law, identify the public body that committed the alleged violation, and request a specific cure of such violation. Upon receipt of the written notice of alleged violation, the public body will respond publicly to the alleged violation within 10 calendar days by:

  • acknowledging the violation of this subchapter and stating an intent to cure the violation within 14 calendar days; or
  • stating that the public body has determined that no violation has occurred and that no cure is necessary.

Failure of a public body to respond to a written notice of alleged violation within 10 calendar days will be treated as a denial of the violation for purposes of enforcement of the Open Meeting Law.

Open Meeting Law Complaint Form