Town Manager

Town Manager:

Scott Tucker

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (802) 464-8591
FAX: (802) 464-8477

Mailing Address:
Town Manager’s Office
PO Box 217

Administrative Assistant:
Jessica DeFrancesco
Email: [email protected]

Wilmington operates under a Town Manager form of government, whereby the Selectboard serves as the town’s chief elected legislative body and the Town Manager acts as the municipality’s chief administrative officer.  Under this system, the Selectboard sets policy, while the manager implements policy, oversees the day-to-day operations of town government, and has many other statutory duties.  

Departments under the Town Manager’s responsibility include administration, fire, highway, police, wastewater, and solid waste. The Town Manager is the municipality’s chief administrative officer and is responsible for the day-to-day operations of town government and supervising departments.

Employees at the following departments and offices are available to address your questions, concerns, or thoughts. Please contact the Town Manager if you wish to discuss matters further, regarding the following: Finance, Fire, Highway, Police, Solid Waste Transfer Station, Waste water, Compost, Zoning, Signs, Planning Office, and Assessor’s Office.
The Town Manager is also the official tax collector and delinquent tax collector. He is also responsible for developing and overseeing the town budget (general fund, roads, wastewater, and all capital accounts) financial planning and management, personnel administration, facility management, procurement, public works project development/oversight and public/media relations. The manager’s office administers various permit procedures (sewer, right-of-way, transfer station), processes accounts payable, prepares the annual report and writes town meeting warnings. He has charge and supervision of all town buildings.

General Inquiries and Information
Transfer Station Permits