2024 Tax Bills
Tax bills were mailed on August 12th. The first payment is due September 20th.
We encourage all taxpayers to send payments via
1. US mail
2. online through our website https://wilmingtonvermont.us/taxes/pay/
3. sign up for our direct debit option
Taxes Fiscal Year 2024-25
Taxes are due in two installments:
First Installment Due September 20, 2024
Second Installment Due February 28, 2025.
Wilmington Tax Rate Fiscal Year 2024-25
Town Rate | 0.4816 |
Residential School Rate | 1.3692 |
Total Residential Tax Rate | $1.8508 |
Non-Residential School Rate | 1.3571 |
Total Non-Residential Tax Rate | $1.8387 |
Wilmington Tax Rate Fiscal Year 2023-24
Town Rate | 0.612 |
Residential School Rate | 1.9659 |
Total Residential Tax Rate | $2.5779 |
Non-Residential School Rate | 1.7751 |
Total Non-Residential Tax Rate | $2.3871 |
LAST YEAR! for reference
3. Automated Tax Payments: The Town of Wilmington offers taxpayers the opportunity to have their biannual tax payments deducted directly from their checking or savings account. For more information please visit the Documents and Reports page. Click here for the sign-up form.
(This form can be used to sign-up for water and sewer automated payments as well).
[Example: If the bill is $16,000, then you must enter two transactions to pay-in-full; if the bill is $31,000, three transactions would apply].
Understanding that it can be difficult for people to pay their town and state taxes, it is the responsibility of all to pay their required share or others have to pay higher taxes to make up the difference. This policy is designed to give clear instructions as to how to avoid being delinquent, a system by which people can become whole if they become delinquent, and the steps and methods the Wilmington Collector of Delinquent Taxes will take if a taxpayer does not meet their obligations to the town and the other citizens.
Each month taxes are delinquent the tax collector will send a notice to the delinquent taxpayer. Interest is added on the first day of each month before the notice is mailed. Town–approved interest rate is one per cent per month for the first three months and thereafter one and one-half percent per month starting from the due date of each installment. An 8% penalty is added after the February payment is missed. When a taxpayer is delinquent, unless he/she is on an agreed-to payment plan, any payment made will be applied first to outstanding interest and penalties. Any remaining payment will be applied to the principal.
If the taxpayer is 1 full year delinquent the collector will notify the taxpayer of the date by which full payment must be received or payment arrangements made. Expected tax sale costs once a tax sale process begins, or other methods’ costs will also be included. It is the responsibility of the delinquent tax payer to respond to the notice or the town will initiate the steps to collect either by taking the property to tax sale or utilizing other statutory methods to collect payment. Payment arrangements may be agreed-to provided it will pay the bill in full within 1 year. Current taxes will also need to be paid in full as they become due. A signed contract must be filed with payment arrangements. Under this plan the partial payments will be applied proportionally to principal, interest, and penalty (if any).
If no arrangement is made by specified date or taxpayer defaults on contract then either tax sale proceedings will be started and/or we will utilize other statutory methods to collect payment.
If the town utilizes a tax sale the tax collector will begin the following actions to sell as much of the property as is necessary to pay the delinquent tax, and fees: The collector will proceed with the tax sale according to the procedures specified in 32 V.S.A., section 5252.
Costs of preparing and conducting the sale, including legal fees up to a maximum of 15% of the amount of the delinquent tax, will be charged to the delinquent taxpayer.
All penalty and interest charges are used by town to defer cost of sending delinquent notices and other expenses related to collecting delinquent taxes.
Tax abatement is a process by which a taxpayer may ask to have his or her taxes lessened, moderated or diminished. Abatement request goes to the board of abatement, which is made up of the board of civil authority plus the listers and town treasurer. For information on abatement of taxes see Vermont Statute 24 V.S.A., section 1535.
2024 tax bills were mailed out in August
We encourage all taxpayers to send payments via
1. US mail
2. online through our website https://wilmingtonvermont.us/taxes/pay/
3. sign up for our direct debit option
Important Tax Information
You ONLY receive ONE bill with 2 stubs. SAVE your JULY Bill!
Use the first stub for the first installment and the second stub for the second installment!
You will NOT receive another bill for February! (We will put a reminder on the home page at this site and send out in our e-mail newsletter (to sign up)
If you sell your property, please give the bill to the new owner.
Taxes are due in two installments:
TAX Year 2024
First Installment Due September 20, 2024
Second Installment Due February 28, 2025
Property tax installments not paid on or before the due dates are charged interest at the rate of 1% per month for the first three months and 1 ½% per month thereafter. All taxes unpaid after the final due date will be assessed an 8% penalty added thereto plus interest at the maximum allowable rate.
Important Tax Information
You can pay property taxes more frequently than the two installments by using the electronic payment option or by simply mailing in your payments. Our system is capable of receiving tax payments weekly, monthly, quarterly or whatever way accommodates your budget , as long as the taxes are paid in full by the due dates. Your taxes must be either brought in on or before the due date, paid electronically by the due date, or if mailed, it must have an official US postmark stamped on or before the due date to avoid interest and penalty.
If your payment is made AFTER the date taxes are due or if your mailed payment is postmarked AFTER the date taxes are due, you WILL be charged interest and penalty.
The Town of Wilmington is not responsible for errors made by the U.S. Post Office or mortgage companies.
As a property owner, you are solely responsible for payment when due. If your taxes are escrowed, you will still receive a bill. It is up to you to make sure your mortgage company has a copy. If your mortgage company requests a copy, one will be sent to them. If your mortgage company is supposed to to make payments on your behalf, or if you do not receive a bill, it is your responsibility to follow-up and see payment is made when due in order to avoid penalty and interest.
If you would like a receipt, please return the installment stub with a self addressed stamped envelope. It will be marked paid and returned to you in your envelope.
Administrative Office: 8 am – 4:30 pm
Town Clerk: 9 am – 5 pm
Phone: 802 464 8591
Email: [email protected]
Administrative Office: 8 am – 4:30 pm
Town Clerk: 9 am – 5 pm
Phone: 802 464 8591
Email: [email protected]