Zoning FAQ

We are frequently asked, “Why is the Town involved with decisions about what I want to do on my property?” Another question, asked nearly as often is, “How could the Town allow that to happen next door to my property, or in my neighborhood?” Together, these two questions explain the need for reasonable Bylaws of private development, and also demonstrate the position in which the Town Boards and the Zoning Administrator frequently find themselves in zoning matters.

The purpose of “zoning” is to separate different land uses so that different uses are compatible with each other. The development standards found in the Zoning Ordinance try to ensure that private development takes place within a given area in a manner in which:

  1. All uses are compatible (e.g., an industrial plant is not permitted in a residential area);
  2. Common development standards are used (e.g., all homes in a given area are set back the same minimum distance from the street); and
  3. Each development does not unreasonably impose a burden upon its neighbors.

To do this, districts called “zones” are established and standards are developed for these zones.  Properties within each of these zone districts have common development standards. Overlays may also be established “on top” of these districts that regulate Flood Hazard areas, or Design Review areas.

Q. How Can Property Be Used?

A. In order to determine the potential uses for a given site, it must first be determined which “zone” applies to the site. Each zone has Allowed Uses, Permitted Uses, Conditional Uses, and Prohibited Uses. For example, in the Residential District, single-family dwellings are Permitted Uses, churches are Conditional Uses, and manufacturing plants are not allowed.

Q. How Do I Establish a Permitted Use?

A. To establish a Permitted Use, simply follow the development standards for the zone and apply for a zoning permit. The Zoning Ordinance is available in the Wilmington Town Office and on the Town of Wilmington’s website.

Q. How Do I Establish a Conditional Use?

A. When establishing a Conditional Use, a review by the Development Review Board is required to determine if the activity can be conducted at the proposed location without imposing a burden on neighbors or the surrounding community. In commercial zones, some uses, such as gas stations or restaurants, require a Conditional Use Permit. The Board may impose conditions on their approval of the use to protect the neighborhood and the community.

Q. How Can I get an Application Form?

A. Application forms are available in the Wilmington Town Offices. The forms are also available on the Town of Wilmington’s website. You can email the Zoning Administrator at [email protected] to request forms or more information. An application, site plan, and fee constitutes a complete application.

Q. How Is the Application Processed?

A. After an application, site or plot plans and fees are received, if needed, a hearing is scheduled before the Development Review Board (DRB). A notice of the meeting is published in the Deerfield Valley News, posted in three places in town and mailed to all abutting property owners. It is the responsibility of the Applicant to post a notice on the property. A public hearing is conducted, and the applicant should be prepared to explain the request and answer any questions. Interested parties may also speak about their concerns at the public hearing. After hearing all the testimony supporting or opposing the project, the DRB will make their decision in a Deliberative Session. The Deliberative Session is closed to the public, but the DRB’s written decision will be mailed to the Applicant and to all interested parties who have left their mailing address with the Zoning Administrator. Whenever the DRB makes a decision, it may be Appealed within 30 days. During this time, the Zoning Permit will be issued. Zoning Permit have an Appeal period of 15 days. The approval and the permit may be acted upon when all Appeal periods are over.

Q. What If an Application Is Denied?

A. For any DRB decision, the applicant is entitled to an appeal to the Environmental Court. Any appeals must be filed within 30 days of the decision.

Q. How Much Does a Permit Cost?

A. A current fee schedule is available on the Town of Wilmington’s website or in the Town Office. The fees cover the cost of processing the application and are not refundable.

Q. What If a Use Is Prohibited?

A. If the Use planned is prohibited in the district which applies to the site, it is not possible to establish that use in that location. The Wilmington Planning Commission is responsible for establishing the uses and standards in the zoning bylaw. Revisions to the zoning bylaw can be made only through a series of public meetings.

Q. What Are Development Standards?

A. Each district or zone has specific development standards relating to the height, size, and placement of buildings on a site. In some districts, there are additional requirements for density and on-site improvements such as parking, landscaping, and fencing.

Q. What Is a Variance?

A. If a dimensional aspect of a proposed project does not conform with the development standards for the zone, it is possible to apply for a waiver or variance. The purpose of issuing variances is not to allow exceptions to the development standards but rather to allow development on lots that otherwise would not be possible to develop.

Q. Does the State of Vermont Need to Review my Project?

A. Yes. All permittees must contact State agencies to determine what permits must be obtained before any construction may commence. The Zoning Administrator can assist you with contact information.