Pay Electronically by e-check or by Credit Card: You may pay your Town of Wilmington taxes electronically by credit card or by e-check payments. LexisNexis, a highly secure form of electronic funds transfer, allowing you to pay your bills online by using your computer and internet connection. The bank charges a “convenience fee” to use this service which is displayed before your payment is finalized; there is no fee charged by the Town of Wilmington. Please have your bill in front of you as you will need your parcel ID number. When entering the parcel ID number, enter only the characters, no dashes nor decimals. The maximum allowed is $15,000 per transaction. If the amount you are trying to pay exceeds this amount you will need to do more than one payment. [Example: If the bill is $16,000, then you must enter two transactions to pay-in-full; if the bill is $31,000, three transactions would apply].
Disclaimer: This electronic pay service is provided to you as a convenience, and in most cases it works well. However, it is the sole responsibility of each customer/taxpayer who chooses to use this service to ensure payment is sent to/received by the town on time. As a general rule, if a payment is returned to you or you are unable to process a payment through this system, the town accepts no responsibility if your payment is not received on time. A payment that is not received by the town on the due date will be charged interest and penalty as allowed by law.
Please note that there is a bank processing fee added to your total before payment is submitted.
Property Tax, Sewer, Water Payments/Donations
(please make a notation when making water & sewer payments so they can be applied properly)
**When entering your Parcel ID#, just enter numbers and letters. Ex: If your Parcel ID# is 00101001.000, you would enter 00101001000.
Police Department Payments
Town Clerk Payments
**Zoning Permits should be paid with a check or money order and sent in with your mailed application. The zoning administrator will make arrangements with you for the permit “P” poster. Alternatively, you can pay in person by making an appt with the zoning administrator and pick up your permit “P” poster at the same time