Public Notices



The Board of Civil Authority is hereby warned to meet to consider the following Tax Appeals on Wednesday, September 18, 2024, at 5:30pm in the Town Hall at 2 East Main Street or via Zoom with the login information provided below.  Appellants should appear and be ready to present their evidence at the date and time of this meeting.

Please submit any supporting evidence ahead of the hearing via email to Town Clerk, Therese Lounsbury (phone: 802-464-5836, ext. 115).  Additional printed copies will not be necessary for the Zoom meeting.  If you fail to join the meeting, your tax appeal will be decided based on the information submitted to the board with your initial request for appeal.


  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of the Minutes of September 13, 2024.
  3. Chair to follow the “Meeting Sequence” from the Rules of Procedure to include oaths for appellants and assessor, and the declaring conflicts of interest.
  4. Hearing Schedule starting at 5:40pm:
      1. Bull / 00702004.000 / Higley Hill Rd – Land Only
      2. McConnin / 02221024.000 / 451 Lake Raponda Rd
      3. Politos-Sorrentino / 02221023.000 / 461 Lake Raponda Rd
      4. Dagan / 00301028.800 / Sunrise Hill Ln – Land Only
  5. Board to assign inspection teams.
  6. Hearing will recess until Wednesday, October 2, at 5:30pm for reports and deliberation.

Please register to join the meeting via Zoom by using this link, the meeting invitation will be sent upon your completed registration:



The Board of Civil Authority is hereby warned to meet to consider the following Tax Appeals on Wednesday, September 25, 2024, at 5:30pm in the Town Hall at 2 East Main Street or via Zoom with the login information provided below.  Appellants should appear and be ready to present their evidence at the date and time of this meeting.

Please submit any supporting evidence ahead of the hearing via email to Town Clerk, Therese Lounsbury (phone: 802-464-5836, ext. 115).  Additional printed copies will not be necessary for the Zoom meeting.  If you fail to join the meeting, your tax appeal will be decided based on the information submitted to the board with your initial request for appeal.


  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of the Minutes of September 18, 2024.
  3. Chair to follow the “Meeting Sequence” from the Rules of Procedure to include oaths for appellants and assessor, and the declaring conflicts of interest.
  4. Hearing Schedule starting at 5:40pm:
      1. Beeman / 02021062.000 / 43 Castle Hill Rd
      2. Beeman / 00901060.100 / 572 Boyd Hill Rd
      3. OSEC / 02122026.000 / 1 School St
      4. Stuart / 00901066.000 / 15 Old Mill Ln
      5. Wilson / 00901056.100 / 323 Boyd Hill Rd
  5. Board to assign inspection teams to be completed within 30 days. An appeal will be considered withdrawn if, after notice, the appellant refuses to allow an inspection of the property including the interior and exterior of any structure on the property.  32 V.S.A. §4404(c).
  6. The hearing will recess until Wednesday, October 9, at 5:30pm for reports and deliberation.
  7. Board to hear the inspection reports from September 13, 2024, hearings.
  8. Board to enter deliberations.

Please register to join the meeting via Zoom by using this link, the meeting invitation will be sent upon your completed registration:



The Board of Civil Authority is hereby warned to meet to consider the following Tax Appeals on Wednesday, October 2, 2024, at 5:30pm in the Town Hall at 2 East Main Street or via Zoom with the login information provided below.  Appellants should appear and be ready to present their evidence at the date and time of this meeting.

Please submit any supporting evidence ahead of the hearing via email to Town Clerk, Therese Lounsbury (phone: 802-464-5836, ext. 115).  Additional printed copies will not be necessary for the Zoom meeting.  If you fail to join the meeting, your tax appeal will be decided based on the information submitted to the board with your initial request for appeal.


  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of the Minutes of September 25, 2024.
  3. Chair to follow the “Meeting Sequence” from the Rules of Procedure to include oaths for appellants and assessor, and the declaring conflicts of interest.
  4. Hearing Schedule starting at 5:40pm:
    1. VT Golf / HAYSTACK.GLF / 70 Spyglass Rd – Golf Course
    2. Corriveau / 00201021.300 / 11 Corriveau Way
    3. Belcastro / 00304037.000 / 115 Old Town Rd
    4. Boyd Family Trust / 00301028.010 / 845 VT Route 100 N
    5. Boyd Family Trust / 00301008.000 / 189 East Dover Rd
    6. Crafts / 00702006.000 / Land Only
  5. Board to assign inspection teams to be completed within 30 days. An appeal will be considered withdrawn if, after notice, the appellant refuses to allow an inspection of the property including the interior and exterior of any structure on the property.  32 V.S.A. §4404(c).
  6. The hearing will recess until Wednesday, October 16, at 5:30pm for reports and deliberation.
  7. Board to hear the inspection reports from September 18, 2024, hearings.
  8. Board to enter deliberations.

Please register to join the meeting via Zoom by using this link, the meeting invitation will be sent upon your completed registration:



Warning of a Development Review Board Public Hearing, on Monday, October 7, 2024, at 5:00 PM. Attend this meeting either via Zoom or in person at the Wilmington Town Hall, 2 East Main St, Wilmington, Vermont. Zoom link also posted at

Warned Items:

  1. Zoning Permit Application #2024-209 at 326 Stowe Hill Road, Parcel ID 07-1-8.100, by Andrew and Sarah Stypa for Six (6) Bedroom Short-Term Rental Use.
  2. Zoning Permit Application #2024-239 at 95 Higley Hill Road, Parcel ID 03-3-4 (and 03-3-5 and 03-5-6), by Micheal Matteo for a Three (3) Lot Merger, and Five (5) Bedroom Short-Term Rental Use.

This hearing is warned in accordance with the Vermont Planning and Development Act (24 VSA § 4464). Please be advised that participation in this proceeding is a prerequisite to the right to any subsequent appeal. An agenda for this hearing will be posted on the Town’s website 48 hours before the hearing. Additional information may be obtained from the Wilmington Zoning Administrator, or by calling (802) 464-8591, ext. 124. Register in advance for this meeting at:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.