Wilmington Wastewater Facility Refurbishment Project

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Updated August 16, 2016


Our refurbishment project is nearly complete!  All we are waiting for is paving of the yard and driveway and some final grading.


Here is a list of some of those we would like to thank:

Engineers Wayne Elliot and Jason Booth of Aldrich + Elliot

Field Representative Rick Dupont of Aldrich + Elliot

Penta Corporations Doug Sylvester, Bill Ouellette, Mike Matteson and Coty Parker

Rob Mitchell Excavating

Watts-up Electricians John and Chris

Hayden Plumbing and Heating

Town Manager Scott Murphy

Finance Officer Christine Richter

Wilmington Selectboard




New rotating belt filter being installed!

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Office / Lab Building

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Primary Treatment Building

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Control Building

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Video update 1/24/16


New office/lab and primary treatment buildings are coming along nicely!

IMG_2267 IMG_2259 IMG_2254



office lab building as of dec 13 2015

Office/Lab Building is gone!


Brattleboro Reformer Article November 17, 2015

Demolition Video Day 1

Demolition Video Day 2

First concrete being poured for the new Primary Treatment Building!


Brattleboro Reformer article about our project!


Reformer article photo gallery!

The construction company Penta, moved in 9/21.  They have begun the demolishing of RBC #2, have set up their office trailer, starting bringing in tools and equipment and they have been busy laying out the site and getting prepared for other sub contractors to come in.


Here are a few pictures from the first week!


RBC #2 IMG_0653 IMG_0652 IMG_0647


For more pictures, visit our facebook page!





Project went out to bid on June 22, 2015

Bids will be opening on July 23, 2015 1 pm at the Wilmington Town Offices

Construction will hopefully begin in mid to late August with a completion expected in July of 2016

Some contract drawings showing the new/refurbished buildings!



office-lab floor plan


new and refurbished office-lab building


refurbished control building


new primary treatment building


Bond vote passes!



The intent of this page is to provide the resident’s of Wilmington with information regarding the proposed refurbishment of the Wilmington Wastewater Facility.

Informational flyer!

Bond vote information flyer Bond vote information flyer

flashingnewClick here for a video tour of the Wilmington WWTP!  For best quality, you may need to change the settings of the video by clicking the settings button in the lower right corner.


Treatment Plant Photo Gallery!



The facility was first constructed in 1964 to provide primary treatment of incoming wastewater using a Dorr Oliver Clarigester which is still in operation today.  In late 1987 and early 1988, an upgrade took place to provide secondary treatment which included the installation of two Rotating Biological Contactors (RBC’s), two Aerated Lagoons and chlorination/dechlorination systems.  For more information on the treatment process, please click this link!  The collection system, which includes 7 pump stations and approximately 7 miles of sewer lines was first constructed in 1964 and expanded in 1989.

In 2012, the Town hired our Engineering Firm, Aldrich + Elliot, to perform a comprehensive 20 year evaluation of the Wastewater Facility and collection system and to specifically in more detail look at our primary treatment equipment (Clarigester) and provide upgrade alternatives.

This report was completed in March of 2013 with the following recommendations.Click here  Presentation 4-3-13 to view the Aldrich + Elliot evaluation presentation to the Selectboard.

Sewer Collection System:  No critical issues were found in regards to the manholes or sewerlines in the collection system.  It was recommended that the Town staff continue to inspect the collection system manholes and sewerlines at least every five years and to annually inspect the river and stream crossings.

Pumping Stations:  Several recommendations were made in regards to the Town’s 7 pumping stations.  Critical repairs are recommended at Pump Station #4 and Ejector Station #3 and the Town has decided that these repairs can be addressed in our Operating Budget and Capital Replacement Plan.  We are also looking into the possibility of upgrading Ejector Station #1 to increase it’s capacity.

Wastewater Treatment Facility:  From the 20 year evaluation report, the following recommendations were made and decided to be addressed in the proposed refurbishment project.

1.  River embankment:  The river embankment near the northeast corner of the Lab/Office building will be stabilized with rip-rap for future protection.  

     2.  Influent Pumping Station:  This is located on the East end of the current Lab/Office building.  “Replacement of the Influent pump station control system is proposed with a new duplex control panel and variable frequency drives.  The control system will include a new submersible level transducer with back-up floats in the wet well.  Automatic operation by adjustment of the pump speed is provided to maintain a consistent liquid level in the wet well.  The new control panel will be located at grade in an unclassified space.”  The current headworks structure that receives the flow from the influent pumping station will be removed.

Headworks Structure


     3.  Primary Treatment:  An extensive evaluation was done of the current primary treatment equipment and four alternatives were investigated and ultimately alternative #4 was chosen as the best option for our facility.  This alternative includes the installation of a new 240 square foot building which will house a rotating belt filter primary treatment process to take the place of the current Dorr Oliver Clarigester.  The new primary treatment equipment will either be a Blue Water Ecomat or Salsness unit.  This new process will remove upto 80% of TSS (total suspended solids) and 40% of BOD (biochemical oxygen demand).  The existing clarigester tank will be abandoned, however, the plan for how this tank is left will be evaluated further and it may be available for temporary use if needed.  Here is a short video of the Blue Water Ecomat!

 Current Dorr Oliver ClarigesterClarigester

Picture showing the emergency repairs that have been made to the skimmer arm!

Clarigester arm showing the multiples repairs that have been done over the years!

4.  Rotating Biological Contactors (RBC’s):  Both of the existing RBC units will be replaced.  Currently one is out of operation because of a failed drive unit and the other unit is in need of repairs to the media, but it operable.  If the proposed refurbishment project does not proceed, repairs at a cost of $70,000 to $80,000 will need to be done in the spring/summer of 2015.

Rotating Biological Contactors (RBC’s)


5.  Control Building:

– Exterior of the building will be resided and the shingle roof will be replaced with a standing seam metal roof.

– Interior heating and ventilation systems will be upgraded.

– The electrical motor control center will be replaced.

– A new generator will be installed outside, transfer switch and transformers will be replaced.

Control Building

6.  Office / Lab Building:

– The exterior of the building will be resided, new windows installed and shingle roof replaced with standing seam metal.

– The south side of the building will be extended approx. 10 feet to provide additional space for the updated lab and operator office.

– Interior heating and ventilation systems will be upgraded.

– Electrical motor control center will be replaced.


Project Cost

The estimated total cost for the refurbishment project is $2,130,000.  Several funding sources were investigated and the most favorable is the USDA funding source with an anticipated grant of between 25% to 45%.  The anticipated increase per ECU (Equivalent Connector Unit) is $116 annually based on the grant amount of 25%.  This annual increase will decrease if the grant amount in increased.  Each single family house is assessed at 1 ECU.  All Town residents will vote on the proposed project, but only those connected to the Town’s Wastewater System will be paying for the loan.

A public informational meeting is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday February 25, 2015 6:00 pm at the Wilmington Town Hall Meeting Room.

The vote on the project will take place on Town Meeting Day March 3, 2015 at the former Twin Valley High School in Wilmington.

If anyone has any questions or comments or would like a tour of the Facility, please give Chief Operator John Lazelle a call at 802-464-3862 or email [email protected]

Proposed WWTP site plan

Click on the above image for a view of the proposed site plan!

Recent news articles about the project!


Brattleboro Reformer 1/8/2015

Deerfield Valley News

Brattleboro Reformer 12/30/2014

Brattleboro Reformer 11/17/2014

flashingnewClick here for a video tour of the Wilmington WWTP!  For best quality, you may need to change the settings of the video by clicking the settings button in the lower right corner.