The Windham Regional Commission (WRC) will be hosting in-person and remote public meetings in February to present a draft of the Windham Regional Plan update. WRC assists 27 towns in southeast Vermont to provide effective local governance and address regional issues. The Regional Plan provides guidance on the future for the region and is used for WRC’s work program and regional planning efforts. Members of the public, municipal officials, and local organizations are encouraged to attend the meetings to learn more about the role of the Regional Plan and to provide input.

The meeting dates are provided below and additional information is available on WRC’s website (

WRC is transitioning the Regional Plan to a web-based format to improve navigation and the use of the plan. The draft web-based plan will be available for review beginning on January 31st on WRC’s website: Please direct any questions to Matt Bachler, Senior Planner, at [email protected] or 802-257-4547, ext. 112.